Photos of Workshops Conducted by Jaime Levy

Please help yourself to your favorite Jaime Levy workshop photos/workshop exercises, and book covers for your event or publication. Just right-click on the phone and select “Save Image As” to download. If you would like publicity photos (headshots), please go here.

Workshops Photos of Jaime and Participants (from UX Strategy workshops all over the world: Stockholm, Warsaw, Krakow, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Seattle! )
Screenshots & Slides of Exercises and Content
Competitive Analysis Spreadsheets
Provisional Persona for a Customer Segment
Storyboard focused on the “Value Innovation” of the solution
Book Covers

Jaime Levy Bio

Jaime Levy is a UX/product strategist, author, and public speaker based in Los Angeles and Berlin.  Her consultancy helps business leaders and internal teams transform their product visions into innovative digital solutions that customers want. Jaime also offers public/private workshops, online masterclasses, and speaks at design and innovation conferences worldwide. Her best-selling O’Reilly Media book is called UX Strategy: Product Strategy Techniques for Devising Innovative Digital Solutions. The book presents a solid framework on the practice, which lies at the intersection of UX design and business strategy. 

For more than 30 years, Jaime has been a pioneer in the creation of game-changing digital products and services. She has worked for Fortune 500 companies and award-winning agencies, leading the UX on projects in the entertainment, healthcare, finance, and technology sectors. Jaime has taught product design and strategy courses and lectured at universities including the University of Southern California, New York University, Claremont Graduate University, Royal College of Art, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, and the University of Oxford. You can read more about her on Wikipedia or follow her on LinkedIn or Twitter @jaimerlevy.