Publicity Photos of Jaime Levy

Please help yourself to your favorite Jaime Levy photos for your event or publication. Just click on the photo to go to the high resolution version of it. Once there, click down on the right mouse button to download it. If you would like workshop and book cover photos (for conference, workshop, or meetup promotions), please go here.

Photo credit: Paul Vachier  – (optional, but we would greatly appreciate if you can put Paul’s full name and website name/link into the metadata.)

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Full Shots

Jaime Levy Bio

Jaime Levy is an author, university professor and a pioneer in the creation of innovative digital platforms, services, and products. Her best-selling O’Reilly Media book is called UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want. The book presents a solid framework on the practice, which lies at the intersection of UX design and business strategy. She runs, a digital strategy firm out of Los Angeles, California and conducts public workshops and in-house training worldwide. Jaime also teaches graduate-level courses on UX design and strategy at the University of Southern California. You can read more about her on Wikipedia.